

harga pabrik orthodontic dental stainless steel twisted wire straight orthodontic arch wire bracket 10PCS / tube

pedaran pondok:

fitur kawat lempeng corak orthodontic:

1. finish lemes tambahan anu ngirangan gesekan

2. ngajantenkeun pasién langkung raoseun.

3. salaku bahan orthodontic idéal,

4. Kawat lengkungan stainless steel nyayogikeun élastisitas langkung luhur ku kaku handapna

5. pangaruh anu saé pikeun ngubaran

6. gaya recovery lemah lembut sareng konsisten sareng nyangking période terapi anu langkung pondok.

Detil Produk

Tanda Produk

harga pabrik orthodontic dental kawat lempeng dipintal stainless steel kawat lengkungan orthodontic bracket dental 10PCS / tabung

Detil Gancang
Tempat Asalna:
Cina, Cina
Nomer modél:
Sumber Kakuatan:
1 Taun
Palayanan saatos dijual:
Dukungan teknis online
Baja, stainless steel
Hirup rak:
Sertifikasi Kualitas:
Klasifikasi instrumen:
Kelas II, Kelas II
Standar kaamanan:
EN 149 -2001 + A1-2009
bahan orthodontic
0155, 0175, 0195 inci
kelas médis stainless steel
350 mm
10 pcs / botol
huntu huntu orthodontic

harga pabrik orthodontic dental stainless steel twisted wire straight orthodontic arch wire bracket 6in1

fitur kawat lempeng corak orthodontic:

1. finish lemes tambahan anu ngirangan gesekan

2. ngajantenkeun pasién langkung raoseun.

3. salaku bahan orthodontic idéal,

4. Kawat lengkungan stainless steel nyayogikeun élastisitas langkung luhur ku kaku handapna

5. pangaruh anu saé pikeun ngubaran

6. gaya recovery lemah lembut sareng konsisten sareng nyangking période terapi anu langkung pondok.

Panjelasan Produk:

Ngaran Produk

Kawat pulas stainless steel Orthodontic




0155/0175/0195 inci


10 pcs / bungkus

Situs waos

luhur / handap


kelas médis stainless steel



Bungkusan & Pangiriman:

Beurat kotor tunggal: 0,035kg

Pakét: kotak karton

factory price dental orthodontic stainless steel twisted straight wire orthodontic arch wire dental bracket with tubes

factory price dental orthodontic stainless steel twisted straight wire orthodontic arch wire dental bracket with tubes

factory price dental orthodontic stainless steel twisted straight wire orthodontic arch wire dental bracket with tubes

factory price dental orthodontic stainless steel twisted straight wire orthodontic arch wire dental bracket with tubes

factory price dental orthodontic stainless steel twisted straight wire orthodontic arch wire dental bracket with tubes

factory price dental orthodontic stainless steel twisted straight wire orthodontic arch wire dental bracket with tubes

factory price dental orthodontic stainless steel twisted straight wire orthodontic arch wire dental bracket with tubes

factory price dental orthodontic stainless steel twisted straight wire orthodontic arch wire dental bracket with tubes

factory price dental orthodontic stainless steel twisted straight wire orthodontic arch wire dental bracket with tubes

factory price dental orthodontic stainless steel twisted straight wire orthodontic arch wire dental bracket with tubes

Inpormasi perusahaan:

factory price dental orthodontic stainless steel twisted straight wire orthodontic arch wire dental bracket with tubes

1. Kumaha anjeun bakal ngatur pengiriman?
Kami parantos ngembangkeun kerjasama anu berkepanjangan sareng DHL, Fedex sareng sababaraha panerus pengiriman barang kargo internasional. Aranjeunna masihan kami dukungan hébat sareng diskon ageung. Kami bakal nyarankeun cara pangiriman anu paling wajar numutkeun daptar urutan anjeun.
2. Naha anjeun ngagaduhan CE pikeun produk anjeun?
Leres, kaseueuran produk gaduh CE. Produk kami diékspor ka nagara-nagara Amérika Serikat sareng Uni Éropa kalayan hasil.
3. Kumaha upami jaminan sareng saatos jasa jual?
Alat-alat dental sapertos unit gigi, unit sinar X, urang ngagaduhan masa jaminan sataun. Anjeun tiasa ngajelaskeun detil masalah, kami bakal naroskeun insinyur pikeun masihan solusi. Suku cadang gratis tiasa disayogikeun upami diperyogikeun.
4. Naha anjeun tiasa ngadamel sertipikat asal (C / O)?
Leres, bijil asal diterapkeun nalika barang dikirim.
5. Naha anjeun nyayogikeun jasa OEM?
Leres, urang tiasa nyayogikeun jasa OEM numutkeun pamundut anjeun.

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