

bulit-di ultrasonik scaler scaler sareng LED sareng handpiece cocog sareng EMS sareng scalp Woodpecker

pedaran pondok:

Detil Produk

Tanda Produk

Detil Gancang
Tempat Asalna:
Cina, Cina
Nomer modél:
N3000 / N3000L, N3000 / N3000L
Sumber Kakuatan:
1 Taun
Palayanan saatos dijual:
Dukungan teknis online
logam, plastik, Baja, logam, plastik
Hirup rak:
1 taun
Sertifikasi Kualitas:
Klasifikasi instrumen:
Kelas II
Standar kaamanan:
EN 149 -2001 + A1-2009
Ngaran Produk:
scaler ultrasonik huntu
Masukan Unit Utama:
24VAC 50Hz
Beurat Unit Utama:
Tekanan cai ::
0,1bar-5bar (0,01MPa-O. 5MPa)
G1x2, G2, G4, P1
28kHz ± 3kHz
Pakét Bahan:

bulit-di ultrasonik scaler scaler sareng LED sareng handpiece cocog sareng EMS sareng scalp Woodpecker



1. Leungeun tangan

2. Autoclaved under suhu luhur tina 134 ° C sareng tekanan tina 0,22 MPa
3. Lacak frékuénsi otomatis mastikeun yén alat sok jalan dina frékuénsi anu pangsaéna

4. Cocog sareng Woodpecker sareng EMS scaler

5. Eupan balik waktos-nyata


Panjelasan Produk:

Ngaran Produk

Dental ultrasonik scaler N3000 / N3000L


G1x2, G2, G4, P1


28KHz ± 3KHz


Logam, plastik

Input Unit Utama

24V 50Hz

Kakuatan Kaluaran


Tekanan cai


Ukuran Paket



1 kg


Paket & Pangiriman

Unit Ngajual: Item tunggal

Ukuran paket tunggal: 20x16x8cm

Beurat kotor tunggal: 1.000 kg


Jasa kami:

1. 12 jam email balesan.
2. jasa garis panas 24 jam.
3. Palayanan ti mimiti dugi ka akhir.
4. Kualitas dijamin.

dental bulit-in ultrasonic scaler with LED and handpiece compatible with EMS and Woodpecker scaler

dental bulit-in ultrasonic scaler with LED and handpiece compatible with EMS and Woodpecker scaler

dental bulit-in ultrasonic scaler with LED and handpiece compatible with EMS and Woodpecker scaler

dental bulit-in ultrasonic scaler with LED and handpiece compatible with EMS and Woodpecker scaler

dental bulit-in ultrasonic scaler with LED and handpiece compatible with EMS and Woodpecker scaler

dental bulit-in ultrasonic scaler with LED and handpiece compatible with EMS and Woodpecker scaler

dental bulit-in ultrasonic scaler with LED and handpiece compatible with EMS and Woodpecker scaler

dental bulit-in ultrasonic scaler with LED and handpiece compatible with EMS and Woodpecker scaler

dental bulit-in ultrasonic scaler with LED and handpiece compatible with EMS and Woodpecker scaler

dental bulit-in ultrasonic scaler with LED and handpiece compatible with EMS and Woodpecker scaler

dental bulit-in ultrasonic scaler with LED and handpiece compatible with EMS and Woodpecker scaler

dental bulit-in ultrasonic scaler with LED and handpiece compatible with EMS and Woodpecker scaler

Inpormasi perusahaan:

dental bulit-in ultrasonic scaler with LED and handpiece compatible with EMS and Woodpecker scaler


  • Saméméhna:
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  • Tulis pesen anjeun di dieu sareng kirimkeun ka kami