

Harga kalapa gigi sareng LED sareng handpiece cocog Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

pedaran pondok:

Detil Produk

Tanda Produk

Detil Gancang
Tempat Asalna:
Cina, Cina
Nomer modél:
N2000 / N2000L, N3000 / N3000L
Sumber Kakuatan:
1 Taun
Palayanan saatos dijual:
Dukungan teknis online
logam, plastik, Baja, logam, plastik
Hirup rak:
1 taun
Sertifikasi Kualitas:
Klasifikasi instrumen:
Kelas II
Standar kaamanan:
EN 149 -2001 + A1-2009
Ngaran Produk:
scaler ultrasonik huntu
Masukan Unit Utama:
24VAC 50Hz
Beurat Unit Utama:
Tekanan cai ::
0,1bar-5bar (0,01MPa-O. 5MPa)
G1x2, G2, G4, P1
28kHz ± 3kHz
Pakét Bahan:

Harga kalapa gigi sareng LED sareng handpiece cocog Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler



1. Leungeun tangan

2. Autoclaved under suhu luhur tina 134 ° C sareng tekanan tina 0,22 MPa
3. Lacak frékuénsi otomatis mastikeun yén alat sok jalan dina frékuénsi anu pangsaéna

4. Cocog sareng Woodpecker sareng EMS scaler

5. Eupan balik waktos-nyata


Panjelasan Produk:

Ngaran Produk

Dental ultrasonik scaler N2000 / N2000L


28KHz ± 3KHz


Logam, plastik

Input Unit Utama

24V 50Hz

Kakuatan Kaluaran


Tekanan cai


Ukuran Paket



0,45 kg


Paket & Pangiriman

Unit Ngajual: Item tunggal

Ukuran paket tunggal: 20x16x8cm

Beurat kotor tunggal: 1.000 kg


Jasa kami:

1. 12 jam email balesan.
2. jasa garis panas 24 jam.
3. Palayanan ti mimiti dugi ka akhir.
4. Kualitas dijamin.

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler

Inpormasi perusahaan:

Dental competitive price with LED and handpiece compatible Woodpecker Scaler dental N2 ultrasonic scaler


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